Friday, November 9, 2007



We are OFFICIALLY at the 50% point in our support raising! God has been answering your prayers!
We are celebrating reaching the 50% mark for several reasons...
We are celebrating because God is showing himself faithful yet again! God called us to minister in the Czech Republic and he will make a way for that to happen. He has given us the strength to work toward our goal. He has provided opportunities for us to share our vision for the church in the Czech Republic. He has caused us to find favor with churches, districts, and individuals.
We are celebrating because this represents churches and individuals who believe in global outreach, and who are obeying God's call. The body of Christ has a mandate to make disciples of all nations. Our family has been called to GO (and we are giving, and we are praying). But we cannot reach all of the Czech Republic by ourselves. We need all of you who are GIVING and PRAYING. Thank you for responding to God's call!
We are celebrating because this will ease financial stress. Global Partners allows us to draw one-half of our salary once we reach the 50% mark. In order to concentrate his energies on raising our support team, Alan stepped down from his position at Heritage Wesleyan Church at the end of September. We haven't been unemployed, but we have been "between paychecks." Receiving half-salary will help us meet our financial obligations each month. (Let me also praise God that he has provided for our needs daily. He has been our Shepherd, and we have not been in want.)

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