Thursday, August 23, 2007

Reflections from Camp 2007

EuroCamp 2007!!

Thanks for your prayers during EuroCamp 2007. God granted our team safety as we traveled to the Czech Republic and participated in Majak's English and Sports Camp 2007: "Pirates of the Caribbean." It was fun to get to know our teammates from Oregon, Michigan, New York, South Dakota, and Canada. God amazes us every year by uniting former strangers together to do his will.

Camp Activities

Every day, campers met for morning assembly where they sang silly camp songs to wake up. Campers would then go to English class or a sports clinic. After lunch, teams met for competitive games. These games always include physical, mental, and teamwork components. After dinner, campers gathered for an evening rally of fun songs and goofy skits, capped off by a testimony or a spiritually meaningful skit. Afterglows included talent night, team game night, and a campfire night, at which we had the opportunity to just sit and talk to campers.

Answers to Prayer

We were able to renew relationships with missionaries and with Czech friends. God also allowed us to forge new relationships. Please pray with us that these friendships would continue and grow as we return to the Czech Republic.

Aimee was able to visit some of the missionary homes to get a sense for what our home will look like. This will help a great deal as we plan for the future.

Our top-priority prayer request was that our boys would sense a call of their own to Czech. Many have asked us if we believe this prayer was answered. At this point, we can report that the prayer seems to have been answered in a round-about way. While Toby and Benjamin still say they don't want to move away from Rock Island, we saw that they adapted quickly to life at camp. The boys had the time of their lives playing all day long around the campgrounds. They ran and jumped and played and sweated and got dirty all day, everyday. Toby and Benjamin made lots of friends, both American and Czech. They were not shy about talking to the Czech campers and asking them to play ping-pong. Both boys were willing to learn Czech words and to practice using them. We only had one homesick episode, and it passed quickly.
We believe that they will enjoy living in the Czech Republic. Toby has asked some insightful questions about his part in our ministry, and we have encouraged him that he is a part of the team. Thank you for your prayers!

Looking Ahead...

We have lot of traveling on our schedule. Here is our schedule for the rest of August and September:

  • August 26 Rockford, IL
  • September 9 Fairfield and Bridgeport, IL
  • September 16 Whiteford, Michigan
  • September 21-23 Urbana, IL Missions Conference
  • September 30 Robinson, IL and Zone Meeting

How You can Pray

  • Safety as we travel many miles
  • For God to raise up team members for our family and for the Czech Republic
  • For the team already in place in the Czech Republic
  • For our transition and for provisions, as Alan closes out his ministry at our church and commits his time fully to team building

Thank you for lifting our family up in prayer!

EuroCamp 2007 was a great opportunity for us to confirm God's call on our lives. We are more eager than ever to join the team in the Czech Republic! As of this writing, we are funded at 38.4%. We are grateful for those who have joined our team, and we are praying for God to bring the rest of our team together.

Global Partners has made giving online simple. If God asks you to join our team, you can follow these easy steps:

  • Visit
  • Choose "Give" from the choices on your left
  • Click on "Become a Financial Partner." This takes you to a simple form.
  • To ensure your pledge is credited to us, in the first field, "Name of Missionary," you just type "Alan & Aimee Williams, WM04-0325."

If you would like to join our prayer team, just drop us an e-mail at

See photos from this trip by clicking on the link under "Other Sites."