Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolutions/Be it resolved...

The year: 1988. The setting: Speech class. The teacher: Mr. Berghorst. The topic: Parlimentary Procedure. This probably has your attention like studying the bones of the body. Hang with it for a moment.

Speech class was something I took my Sophomore year of high school. Mr. Berghorst was a well liked teacher and was known especially for the Parlimentary Procedure section of the class. He taught us the basics and then we played United Nations. The class each split up into countries and we proposed resolutions and held sessions of the United Nations. It was a lot of fun and a great way to put into practice the things we were learning.

As you may know, formal resolutions require a particular format. It starts with some sort of problem listed with "Whereas..." language. And then after you set the stage with all of those, then comes the resolution. Or if I may, the solution. This was always set with the phrase "Therefore, be it resolved." And there might be one of these or several, but it was the important part of the resolution. It was the part that changed things. It was the part that was voted on by the assembly.

So here we are at the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. And it is customary to set resolutions. Many people say that they want to lose weight or that they want to be a better person. By the end of January, few are still working on their resolutions. And even fewer are still pursuing them by the end of February.

And that is why I would like to take a more formal approach to a New Year's resolution. Here goes...

Whereas, we were appointed missionaries by The Wesleyan Church in February 2007; and
Whereas, we have been team building and fundraising since February 2007; and
Whereas, we have traveled more than 40,000 miles; and
Whereas, we have visited more than 60 churches; and
Whereas, we have received pledges totaling 82% of our annual budget; and
Whereas, our Start-Up Fund is nearly complete; and
Whereas, Aimee has given birth to another baby; now, therefore, be it
Resolved that we continue to call churches and individuals; and be it further
Resolved that we continue to travel and speak as we have opportunity; and be it further
Resolved that we make every preparation we can; and be it further
Resolved that we get David a passport and other travel documents; and be it further
Resolved that in 2009 the Williams family moves to the Czech Republic.

There you have it. This is our resolution for the year. This will be our focus and our goal for the coming days, weeks, months and year. All of our energy will be focused towards this resolution.

I hope you will vote in favor of our resolution for 2009. God bless you and Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome David Isaac!

David Isaac joined the Williams family on December 17 at 7:58 am. He weighed 8 lb., 14 oz. and was 19.5 in. long. It is a joy to have him here with us finally. We praise the Lord for a safe delivery and how quickly Aimee is healing. May you find joy this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Change is coming

In a little over a week, our country will elect a new president. With that comes change. Change is on the horizon.

Change is on our horizon as well. We are less than 8 weeks away from greeting our fourth child into this world. We know change is coming; we can see it on the horizon. Everyday Aimee feels a little less comfortable and every day brings us one day closer to this exciting day of new birth.

The same thing might be able to be said of our journey towards the Czech Republic. Every day we feel a little less comfortable in our home country. Every day our love for the Czech nation grows. And in the coming months a new chapter in our lives will be birthed. In the meantime we are preparing as best we know how.

We cannot begin to imagine the changes that lay before us so we cannot prepare for everything. We do not know the future. But we are working on the things we can. Again, it's not all that different from parenthood.

Our Czech class is going well. Thanks to all of you who have been asking us how it is going. It is fun and challenging. We certainly covet your prayers for language acquisition. Pray that we will begin to understand the words we hear and recall the words and phrases we have already learned. We believe that God will help us with this. We absolutely need His help. It is not an easy task.

T and B have completed their first quarter of school and have just begun their second quarter. They are both enjoying their classes and seem to both be learning a great deal. We are so thankful for their teachers and the experiences Toby and Benjamin are getting daily.

K is, well, two and a half. She was just over a year old when we began travelling so she doesn't know what it's like not to be on the road each weekend. But she seems to be growing more restless in the van these days. All three of them travel very well and we are so blessed by that.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Stretch Marks

It's hard not to think about the various things related to pregnancy, life, birth and the like when you are expecting a baby. The evidence of the little one is very noticeable these days.

Stretch marks are a consequence of pregnancy. It's something women hate and think are quite ugly. It is a constant reminder, even after the birth, of what this child did to your body. I remember quite clearly when they first appeared with our first child. Aimee was about 7 and a half months along. And to that point there was not one mark on her body. We were getting ready for the day and Aimee gasped. She said "what is this?!?" All at once her body had revolted and there were stretch marks. It was traumatic. No, seriously, it really was.

So eight years later, we have the constant reminder of this first child and what he did to Aimee's body while he was developing.

Over the last seven years God has been birthing something in us. We visited the Czech Republic in 2001 and the relationship began. In 2006, God conceived in us the idea that we could live there and work among the Czech people. So two years later, we are in the middle of this gestational period and awaiting the birth of this new thing.

And I have wondered, what are the stretch marks that will be evident in our lives from this period of growth before the birth? What will be the lasting evidences of this new life that is forming? All I know is that recently I have found myself gasping and wondering what this is that has appeared. I believe they are stretch marks. They seem ugly to me. But they are the evidence of a life that God has created and is bringing into existence.

I wonder if we have been viewing stretch marks with the wrong mindset. Perhaps they are there as a reminder, not as a consequence. Maybe they are there for all to see that life has been conceived, it grew, and was born. Maybe stretch marks are a good thing after all.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


If you did not already know, we are expecting our fourth child. With pregnancy comes many side effects. One of them that Aimee always has is heartburn. It doesn't matter what she eats. She always has it. It gets the worst as the time of arrival nears. At that point, even water causes it.

We recently returned from two weeks in the Czech Republic. And the best way to describe our thoughts and hearts is heartburn. Our hearts burn to be there day after day to learn the language and culture. Our hearts burn to continue relationships that we have made over the last several years. Our hearts burn to build new relationships with people we do not yet know. This heartburn has come from God birthing something in us that we never expected.

July of 2001 was our first trip to the Czech Republic. And we fell in love with it immediately. Over the years our love has grown and deepened. We know that it is not a perfect place to live. We know we face the uphill task to learn a new language. We know that we bring any baggage we hold on to with us. But we long to be there nonetheless.

So we are praying and waiting on God. And in time, the heartburn will turn to something new. For Aimee, the heartburn will go away after the baby is born. And then comes the joy of raising this child. For us, the heartburn will go away after we move. And then will come the joy of investing our lives for the sake of building His Kingdom.

Friday, June 13, 2008

When we will go...

Timing is everything. I learned that about humor several years ago. Two people can say the exact same thing. One will get a laugh and the other won't. It's all in the timing.

We have been on a journey towards the Czech Republic for the last couple of years. We continue on in that. What we are coming to realize more and more each day is that our arrival there will be in God's timing.

This has been very difficult for us to learn. We are impatient people and we want things now. We want to be there now. We want the funds to be raised now. We want it all to happen now. The problem is that God is not ready for us. I don't mean that God is not ready, but that He is not ready for us to be there. It could be us. It could be something else that we need to learn before we go. It could be something there. We just don't know.

So in the meantime, here we are. We continue to do the same thing week after week. We travel to churches and share our story. We know that is what we are supposed to be doing so we are acting in obedience. We call pastors and churches each week because that is what we are to do right now. We do what we know to be doing.

We don't know when though. But we do know that it has been by the hand of God that we are this far. And it will be by His provision that we get the rest of our necessary funding. It will be when He makes it happen. So we will continue to do our part. And we wait on God to do His part.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Many of you may have heard us speak from I Corinthians 12:12-27. It's that passage that talks about the different parts of the body. We understand it to mean that God has us all, His church, working together to accomplish His purpose.

Only trouble is that we have to work together. Don't get me wrong. That is one of the wonderful lessons that God has been teaching us in recent years. It is important to work together. But we are quickly realizing that we depend on other's obedience to accomplish all that God has for us.

This is a challenging truth for us to work through. Have we kept others from accomplishing all that God had for them through our disobedience? Have others kept us from accomplishing all that God wants to do through us?

In the end we have to work together. In the end we have to trust that others are being obedient. In the end others have to trust that we are walking obediently. And I guess all of these things require faith. We have to have faith in God and our brothers and sisters in Christ. So these days find us having to work on living by faith every day. And each day God proves to be faithful. I just hope we are holding up our end of the deal.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

While God’s mercies are new every morning, changing our calendar is a great time to reflect on his love and provisions during the last twelve months and to look forward to his guidance and grace during the year that stretches out before us. Our family has been blessed in a special way during 2007. We were appointed career missionaries to the Czech Republic in February and embarked on a team building journey that has taken us to twenty churches in seven states and has put more than 12,000 miles on our odometer. More importantly, this journey has led us to many, many new friends and team members. God has shown himself strong and able to provide for the calling he gave us.

2007 highlights
What a busy year this was! At the very beginning of 2007, Alan and Aimee attended the pastor’s conference called The Gathering in Orlando, Florida. It was a treat to catch up with many old friends. In February, we received official confirmation that we were appointed career missionaries with Global Partners (the Wesleyan Church). Our dream of serving God full-time in the Czech Republic was a very important step closer to being realized. At the end of February, we attended Missonary Orientation in Indianapolis. During this week we were welcomed into the Wesleyan missionary family and were briefed on the important aspects of team building.
In May, we participated in the missions conference at our home church, Heritage Wesleyan. This was our first activity at a church as official representatives of Global Partners. We enjoyed sharing with our friends and church family about the vision God has given us for ministry in the Czech Republic. Our summer was filled with similar engagements. God blessed us with many opportunities to share at district conferences, missions days, and church mission emphasis weekends.
In July, our whole family participated in EuroCamp 2007 in the Czech Republic. It isn’t easy traveling internationally on a short-term trip with three children, but it was invaluable for our kids to visit what will be their new home. It was wonderful to be able to tell our Czech friends that we will be moving there.
Alan finished up his seven-year service at Heritage Wesleyan Church at the end of September. We are grateful for the time that we spent as part of the staff at Heritage, and it was bittersweet to say goodbye. In October, we took a three-week trip to Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Canada, and Michigan. We visited several churches and were able to spend some time resting and playing together as a family. By the second week of November, we had reached 50% of our needed pledged funds. This was a great encouragement to us.
We spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s with our families this year, knowing that we may not get to do that next year. We give thanks for the heritage that God has given us through our families.

Reflecting on this year
In order to begin our full-time ministry in the Czech Republic, we must build a prayer and financial support team. This team building process absorbed much of our time and attention in 2007. During the many hours we spent in our van, we frequently talked about what a joyful season this has been in the life of our family. It isn’t all easy or fun, but what an adventure it has been to step out in faith and follow God’s calling. It has truly been a privilege to spend time with many dedicated pastors and lay people, getting to know them and learning about their vision for their local churches and for the body of Christ worldwide. God has expanded our understanding of “ministry,” and we are so grateful.
God’s mercies have indeed been new every morning. Our health has been fairly good during this year, even through all our travel. We had no vehicle accidents, and the one mechanical problem we experienced “mysteriously” disappeared after we prayed. Financially, God has moved on the hearts of many we’ve spoken to, and at the writing of this letter, we are 68% funded! Hallelujah! All three of our children are doing well. Toby, 7, is a curious, energetic boy. He loves school, and thanks to a caring and flexible teacher, Toby has been able to keep up with his second grade class even though he’s missed several days of school. Benjamin, 5, is enjoying his second year of preschool. He is good at puzzles and is an affectionate guy, but he’s always ready to wrestle with his big brother. Katie will be two the first week of February. She is working on learning her brothers’ names right now, as she began to believe their collective name was “guys.” All three children have adapted well to traveling and to being in a different church nearly every weekend. This has been a significant benefit to Mom and Dad!

Looking forward to 2008
This year promises to be an unforgettable one for our family, as we anticipate moving to the Czech Republic during 2008. Several churches are already on our schedule for this winter and spring, and we are waiting for word from several more so that we can plan a visit. We are signed up to participate in Missionary Training Institute in June and July, and we then plan by faith to move during the middle of July.
Moving to Europe can be a complicated process, of course, and so we covet your prayers every day. We must continue building our prayer and financial support team, we must prepare our house and belongings for the transition, and we must secure the necessary legal documents to live in the Czech Republic. Please pray for wisdom, guidance, submission, and grace.
Please help us praise God for the way he is gathering a team around us. Please help us pray that our team would be completed so that we can move to the next stage of ministry.
Thanks to you!
We are so grateful for your commitment to lift our family up in prayer. God has shown us more and more the importance of prayer as we travel this road. We need financial support, to be sure, but all the money in the world matters little if we do not have God’s hand guiding us. Thank you for interceding for us and for the Czech people.

If you feel God prompting you to give, you can visit Click on "Give," then on "Become a Financial Partner."
January 27 Fall Creek Wesleyan Church, Fishers, IN
February 3 Brookhaven Wesleyan Church, Marion, IN (p.m. service)
