Wednesday, August 13, 2008


If you did not already know, we are expecting our fourth child. With pregnancy comes many side effects. One of them that Aimee always has is heartburn. It doesn't matter what she eats. She always has it. It gets the worst as the time of arrival nears. At that point, even water causes it.

We recently returned from two weeks in the Czech Republic. And the best way to describe our thoughts and hearts is heartburn. Our hearts burn to be there day after day to learn the language and culture. Our hearts burn to continue relationships that we have made over the last several years. Our hearts burn to build new relationships with people we do not yet know. This heartburn has come from God birthing something in us that we never expected.

July of 2001 was our first trip to the Czech Republic. And we fell in love with it immediately. Over the years our love has grown and deepened. We know that it is not a perfect place to live. We know we face the uphill task to learn a new language. We know that we bring any baggage we hold on to with us. But we long to be there nonetheless.

So we are praying and waiting on God. And in time, the heartburn will turn to something new. For Aimee, the heartburn will go away after the baby is born. And then comes the joy of raising this child. For us, the heartburn will go away after we move. And then will come the joy of investing our lives for the sake of building His Kingdom.